Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Get thee to a therapist

There is an article in iParenting about the benefits of therapy for dealing with infertility. You might recognize a name or two.

I also have a confession. I hit the "mark all read" button in my google reader. Maybe now I won't get so stressed everytime I step in there.

Of course this is the month where people are trying to post every day. Oh, well, we will see how it works. I hope there wasn't anything huge that I missed.


MrsSpock said...

Hmmm...I wonder who this Kami person is- do I know her? Nice article :).

Me said...

I wish I liked our Shrink more. But The Man likes her. And he is more picky on such things. So we stay.

luna said...

good article. our grief counseling was just a passing thing, but it was really really useful. \

Lisa said...

Great article, Kami!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I could just hit show all as read. Because I really, really hate Novembers and that NaBloPoMo stuff. I really, really do.