Thank you all for you thoughtful suggestions. I think taking an HPT (home pregnancy test) on Thursday morning is probably the best idea. But like the addict who ignores all the sage advice to lay off the drugs, I listened to the one that said, "Go on . . . you know you wanna."
I POAS'ed (peed on a stick) last night with a FRER (First Response Early Response brand HPT). We got the very slightest pink line after 3 minutes but before the 10 minutes they suggest as a cut off for reading a negative result. If I hadn't spent so many times staring at a start white background hoping for a line - any line - to appear, I would be tempted to all this an evaporation line. I swear I saw some pink. My husband did too.
So, this morning we took another. Same. Exact. Line. Ug! Can someone be almost pregnant? I am telling myself that this is a good sign. The difference in HCG levels over 12 hours just may not be different enough or I could have drank just enough more water. I am not counting this as a positive, but I am using it to be hopeful until we get something more concrete.
I will likely test again tomorrow morning, but I am out of the FRER. I accidentally picked up the First Response Rapid Response sticks that, according to the box, are designed to be used the first day of the missed period(as opposed to "up to 5 days" earlier) so I am assuming they have a higher threshold for a positive result.
I think, in this case, testing early has helped. Although I am no where near thinking this is going to work out, it has given me enough hope to be far less anxious than I was yesterday at this time. I hope we can maintain a bit of peace over the next two days and - hopefully - many months to follow.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
2 days ago
I hope the pink line shows more prominently when you next test.
Good luck with it all.
i say take the wrong ones back and get hte first response ones. And keep peeing to see those 2 lines
Ooo exciting! Hope the 2nd line keeps getting darker!
Cheers! To ever more increasingly darker lines ;-) Keep us posted!
I'm going to pretend like I'm not not out my mind with excitement about this news. I know if I get to crazy and start jumping around like a spaz, not only will you tell me to shut the hell up, I might hit my head on something and inflict an injury.
For entertainment value, check out my previous post about the story of my pee sticks and see how insanely light my first couple of them are. I all but hallucinated the first two, however now that we are weeks away from them, they are plenty dark. (Yes, I still have them all.)
Do not use that First Response Rapid Result. It's got a sensitivity of 100 or something like that, it truly is intended for 15dpo or later. Go get a Walgreen's Digital, they have a sensitivity of 25 and don't make you interpret the line at all. (Unless, of course, you pop the stick out and scrutinize the line anyway. Which I always do.)
I'm so. very. excited. And optimistic for you. Please update tomorrow as soon as you can. Don't wait until Thursday!! :-)
I have everything crossed for you. Good luck!
Well I hope the 2nd line gets darker in the next couple of days. I'm very very hopeful for you as well. Hang in there and can't wait to hear your beta results Thursday. 2 more sleeps.
I'm really hopeful for you!
I can't wait to hear (and see?) the next results! I'm thinking this is a very good sign, though. The digital test can be scary, but it's certainly definitive! Good luck!!
I think the digitals are good. They are actually a lot more sensitive than advertised and will probably show positive if you are getting a second line. Those faint lines are so annoying. I am so excited for you.
I'm pulling for DPL (double pink lines).
Thanks for helping me out with the acronyms. When I went through IF treatments, I was no where NEAR as in charge of the process as people are these days.
My doctor has no idea what a bullet he dodged.
WOOT!!! That is so exciting! I can't wait to check back tomorrow!!!
Go, pink lines, go!!!!
YES!!! I'm so happy to hear about your FPL (faint pink line)!
I hope they get darker.
The POAS game is awful but this looks like great news. I've never heard of getting any kind of double line when it is truly negative. You are truly brave to do this so soon but HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praying for that line to get darker.
I await the urinary verdict with much anticipation. I hope that faint line is a good harbinger of things to come.
How exciting!!! I know you are nervous, so I will be excited for you.
Thursday...ugh, that is a whole 24 hours now away...ugh.
I'm so excited for you! Keep us posted!
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