Last night was our first midwifery appointment. I got home from work about 5:30, changed into some more comfortable clothes (pajama pants!) and ate dinner. My midwife, lets call her . . . Kate - Kate arrived on time at 6:00.
Yes. She comes to my house. No waiting room full of big bellies. Just me in my jammies, my husband and our pets. Nice.
We haven't seen each other in awhile (we have stayed in touch since Ernest was born more than 3 years ago) so we caught up. She showed us pictures of her trip to Senegal and we swapped stories since I was in the Peace Corps in The Gambia - just south of where she was. It was a little heavy on baby stories, but she is a midwife after all and that was the focus of the trip.
After about an hour, we got down to business. I was starting to get nervous because the moment of truth was coming . . . would we hear a heart beat. I shared my feelings with her - my feelings of fear and the sense of failure I sometimes feel. I told her I don't really feel like "one of those pregnant people." She asked what I would do when I was giving birth. I joked that I would probably be thinking, "OMG! I'm pregnant!"
We talked some more about dealing with the grief. She suggested that I talk to the baby and when I am sad to tell the baby that it isn't about him or her. That is is about me grieving, which needs to happen, and that I still love our Little Project and am happy to have him/her growing inside of me.
After a few minutes, she suggested we get the hard part over with. I peed on a stick - in the privacy of my own bathroom - compared it to the label and reported back. Everything looked good except I was high for "specific gravity". She said that is common with pregnancy.
Then I laid down on the couch and scooted my pajamas down and my shirt up. Kate felt around for the edges of my uterus and said it is about the right size. I actually measured two weeks behind, but that is common this early because the uterus tips back a bit. Then she felt around for the baby and put the doppler about where she thought we would get a heartbeat. It took about 8 seconds and we could hear the woosh woosh of the umbilical cord. Then it got muddied with the sound of my heartbeat so she moved the doppler and then we got the heart itself. We listened for just a couple of seconds, but it was enough. Phew!
Brad offered to get a tissue to wipe up the gel. Kate said no, it is aloe vera gel and she likes to rub it in so the baby gets to know her. As she was doing that, we talked a bit more about nutrition - she is a strong advocate of getting enough protein. She suggested I make peanut butter balls to keep around as snacks. Yum! I think I can do that.
On a bit of a side note, if anyone has any peanut butter ball recipes, please let me know. I still yearn for the ones my elementary school used to serve.
I have to admit, I missed seeing an ultrasound, but it was nice to be able to discuss my feelings around the pregnancy. My OB is very understanding and caring, but he simply can't take the time to talk about these things. On the plus side, both my midwife and OB (he wanted an update today) said I may feel the baby move in the next couple of weeks. I may not trust that is what I felt, but to be open to the feeling.
My next appointment is with the OB two weeks from today. He will probably ask again how much we want to test. Maybe I will know the answer by then.
#Microblog Monday 523: Another Fun Game
16 hours ago
It sounds like you're finding an arrangement for care of the pregnancy that will work for you. Those dopplers are fantastic things, I had one when I was preg and it used to calm me down nearly as fast as an ultrasound ;)
I am glad that you are receiving care you are more than comfortable with.
How nice to have someone be so in tune with your feelings during this difficult but exciting time. I would think it is helpful to know she understands that balance -- the push and pull of your feelings now. Sounds wonderful, Kami. I'm so glad.
really interesting to read about other options for care. what a nice way to go through things. really glad you found someone you are comfortable with and who your OB is also comfortable with. the best of the both worlds.
just wanted to send you (belated) congratulations on your pregnancy. sounds like you have been through so much to get there. (and thanks for your kind comment on my post today!) ~ luna
Care from a midwife can be so nurturing, just what you deserve.
I think the midwife (especially coming to your house) sounds amazing.
Peanut Butter Balls:
1/2 cup peanut butter
3 1/2 tbsp powdered dry milk
a bit of honey
Combine ingredients, roll into balls, and store in the refrigerator. You can also roll them in raisins, nuts, coconut, or brown sugar.
Got the recipe from "Feed Me I'm Yours" :-)
Sorry--found another recipe too:
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup honey
1 cup toasted wheat germ
2 tbsp powdered milk
Combine and roll into balls.
Same author--different cook book. Hmmm...
No recipes for peanut butter balls here, but wanted to wish you well anyway. Love, Kate
Ooh, hearing that heartbeat is always a wonderful thing. I'm glad you have a caretaker who doesn't dismiss your feelings of grief.
How great that your midwife will come to your house!!!! That is awesome! I am so glad all went well :-)
Wow, sounds like Kate had some wonderful suggestions! I hope they are working out for you! Good luck w/OB in 2 weeks!
Hi Kami,
Saw on Lost and Found that tomorrow's your birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
psssst... I'm a little early but... Happy Birthday!
and my head is still reeling... :P
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wishing you a great day today and a wonderful holiday ... now I 'm off to the airport.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAMI!!!! Hope you have a great day!!!!!
I love reading your good news updates!
This lady sounds nice - glad you found someone that needs to connect with the baby - this is special!
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