Last night after we settled on our TTC #2 plan, Brad said he was concerned about me. "Why?" I asked. "Because," he said, "you won't have anything to worry about."
I jokingly told him that I would think of something. Today, after having an odd, local rash for several months, I finally went to the dermatologist. It was asymptomatic so I wasn't really in a hurry to get it checked out. When the dermatologist suggested a biopsy and said it might be parapsoriasis I wasn't worried. I knew it was nothing, but I was tired of it hanging around and not going away as expected.
Then I got home and googled parapsoriasis. Now, I don't know if I have parapsoriasis. The dermatologist doesn't think the labs will be back for two weeks, when we should know more. But if it is parapsoriasis, it could be early stage (or lead to) cutaneous T-cell lymphoma which can't be good. It could also be one of those things that just goes away on it's own.
Damn Dr. Google and damn the two week wait.
After a quick break to take a call from the dermatologist I saw today (chosen at random and I really like her, thank goodness), I have some more information. The most important being that it is more likely than not to not be malignant and either way it is possible to treat it (in most cases) and continue with our plans for a sibling. If it is malignant, it is likely very treatable with no loss in life expectancy.
Years ago, I don't think this would have freaked me out so much. Years ago, I didn't really believe (even though I knew) that people died or that plans get horribly derailed. I am particularly possessive of our TTC plans as those dealing with infertility will likely understand and appreciate.
I have also been feeling very lucky lately. Our lives have completely turned around for the better since LB was born. It is hard not to be possessive of that and be extra vigilant toward anything that may threaten our good fortune.
I guess the good news is that I have enough information to keep me feeling positive and I have gotten pretty good at the two week wait. Additionally, as I type this, LB is just outside the back door banging the dog's water bowl on the deck. It is a delightful sound and I am looking forward to scooping her up and seeing how much water she has gotten on herself.
Now, if our good luck will only hold.
Edited to add that my FSH results came back within normal range (8.2 for those who like details). The good luck is holding so far.
#Microblog Monday 523: Another Fun Game
15 hours ago