Several months ago I heard an author talking about her new book about happiness based on her own research (the name of the book or the author escapes me). She found that the things we do to make us happy eventually become the new normal and no longer bring us joy. (In case your wondering, she said things like infertility never stop losing their negative impact.)
Well last Friday, I was given the opportunity to appreciate anew something I had grown accustomed to. As I mentioned before, LB tends to wake up every hour and a half to nurse. We have been following some of the No Cry Sleep Solution guidelines and seem to be making progress (she sometimes sleeps for 2 hours in a row), but Thursday night it took extra long to get her back to sleep and by the time she was asleep, I was wide awake.
By Friday night, I was emotional and grumpy from too little sleep and dreading another short night. At the last moment, we decided it would be worth it for me to get a good night's sleep in a nearby hotel. If I stayed at home, I would hear her wake up and would feel compelled to comfort her and nurse her. I was worried about LB becoming very upset, but I knew we needed to do something different. I also knew Brad would be able do a great job and while I believed she would get very upset when she couldn't get a nipple when she wanted one, I knew she would be comforted and cared for.
At around 8:30 pm, Brad started calling around for a reasonably priced hotel while I tried to nurse LB to sleep. I was so relieved and even excited. A night to sleep in any position I wanted! Imagine! Oh, I should probably mention that we co-sleep. Also, while trying to ween her from her nightly comfort feedings, I have let her sleep with a leg on me. If the leg falls off and she can't get it back on (because my back is toward her, for example), she wakes up. So I was really looking forward to tossing and turning as I pleased.
I was also, I realized going to miss LB. I held her extra close as she nursed. I stroked her head. I just sat there and noticed how absolutely wonderful it was to have this little body next to mine. I thought about how all too soon she won't be beyond nursing and how she will one day not only sleep in her own bed, but in her own house.
Brad came in to let me know what he learned - only the most expensive hotel in the area still had a room and it was a bit too far away for my comfort. I was a disappointed, but we decided we would go one more night and then get the hotel room on Saturday.
I felt more at peace just knowing that tomorrow I would get a good night's sleep and tonight I could cuddle with LB all I wanted. When I woke up during the night I was able to appreciate her leg on top of me and enjoy it in a way I haven't in weeks. And whether it was my extreme fatigue, my peace in knowing tomorrow night's sleep would be better, or LB catching on to our plan, the most amazing thing happened. We slept 2 - 3 hours at a time, only waking up 3 times! It was the best night's sleep I have gotten since she was born. Two more nights have passed and we have been sleeping quite well. We still wake up about 3 times, but having 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep - sometimes twice in the same night - has been glorious.
What's better than capturing a perfect moment then capturing one you get to enjoy every night if you only remember to appreciate it? Perhaps noticing and appreciating what I had - a beautiful daughter to care for at night - helped me to gain something I was missing - a better night's sleep.
If you want to read about perfect moments other people have capture, head over to Lori's Blog. Happy Monday!
#Microblog Monday 523: Another Fun Game
15 hours ago