Well, I did it. The Forum on Fertility was last night and I feel pretty good about it. My only regret (hey, it's my nature!) is that - while I think I did emphasize the high cost and lack of insurance coverage - I didn't express what that cost meant to us. I think I came across as being someone who can just drop $65,000 on fertility treatments.
I wish I had talked about the things we have given up - retirement, a second car, a bigger house, and all those little toys so many of our friends buy without much thought such as: kayaks, ski equipment, the latest outdoor gear, etc. I know we are fortunate to be even able to find $65,000 even though 1/2 came out of our modest retirement and nearly 1/2 is still on low interest credit cards, but it still hasn't been easy.
So that is the (not so) bad news and mostly I was really happy with how it went. I was nervous all day, but once I got there and saw that the doctors (1 PhD, 2 MD's) were just as or more nervous than I was, I felt much better. Funny how I thought it would be easy for them.
The doctor (Pat Hunt) who talked about environmental factors was really interesting. I wish I had gotten her email address so I could maybe start some correspondence. I would encourage all to listen to the show if only for her comments and thoughts on the plastics in our environment. Incidentally, after the show she recommended Born Free baby bottles and cups and Klean Kanteen for a toxin free water bottle. She said the really pretty stainless steal water bottles from Switzerland (??) have a resin coating that may contain BPA
There is supposed to be a podcast becoming available, but in the meantime you can listen online at several different times between March 25th and March 28th. Here is the schedule and some additional information.
Thanks again to everyone's wonderful support. I realized last night while I fitfully tossed and turned as my mind went over the forum again and again (Oooo . . . I liked that part . . . .wouldn't it have been funny if I called Dr. Robins "Eddie" like the host . . . I wish I had said this instead . . . I hope someone contacts me for the support group . . . ) I realized that a lot of what I said I had stolen from other bloggers. I'm afraid I am not sure where I read it, but I am pretty sure someone else first talked about how we think of our "Someday Baby" as often as other people think of their actual children (Jenna?). I think Mel and Pamela Jeanne have talked about the 4 ways out of infertility (adoption, donor gametes, successful treatment, living child free). I am sure there are many other examples where someone else said it first. To all of you someone's out there - Thank you!
#Microblog Monday 523: Another Fun Game
16 hours ago
The wisdom of all those "someone elses" out there (including you) have kept me sane on this Journey.
I hope to catch a re-broadcast.
Kami, I am so proud of you.
Awesome job, Kami! I can't wait to listen!
Congratulations on (what I'm sure was) a great broadcast. Thanks for representing "us." I hope I get to hear a re-broadcast. You're awesome!
Oh, and POO! I just bought one of those "pretty water bottles from Switzerland!" I threw my Nalgene bottle away ages ago (plastic=chemicals=bad), and was so happy to get my fancy metal water bottle. Thought I was doing the right thing. Arg! But, good to know...
well done, kami! can't wait to hear the podcast. I always think of things I should have said better or differently after public speaking -- an old boss once told me we have 2 versions of the story: the way it went and the way it went in our heads afterwards...
and yes, the environmental hazards are frightening. I've got my clean kanteen but still use plastic bags and tupperware (though never in the microwave, very bad). ah well, we do what we can.
Good for you!
The doc was talking about a Sigg bottle- I have one myself. The company doesn't talk about what's in the inner coating (it's proprietary), but swears it's 100% non-leaching.
Good for you for doing the interview!
So so incredibly proud of you and I can't wait to listen. Thank you so much for your bravery and speaking out.
I cannot wait to hear it. I am sure you did a fabulous job to be proud of. :)
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