LB's babysitter called in sick today to I am pulling double duty (triple if you count blogging). Of course she wants to play with my keyboard and my phone - the two items that get the most of my attention while I am working. I decided better to go along than fight it so I let her handle one of our more difficult customers.
I love it. Too cute for words. I find it impossible to get anything done with a toddler around so if you get even 1/4 of your work done you are a better woman than I.
She's so cute.
She's so damned cute - and cuter with every month that passes! You're a very lucky lady Kami!
Oh that is too funny! And she is SOOOO flippin' cute!
LB is just beautiful, Kami.
very cute!
Kids these days! Always on the phone...
I used to give my daughter a roll of toilet paper or a box of kleenex - she would very gently pull out one piece at a time and tear it to shreds. Seems like a waste of paper, but it was sooo much cheaper than a sitter!
That face is too much :-)
I'm so proud of you for posting a picture! That stupid octuplet lady take the damn kids away or send them all home without ANy financial help, are you now just sick of seeing her on TV.
They might be stopping the tax credit for adoptions too! Hope you aren't froze I sent you an email, we are off tot he library today hopefully not to catch any yucky sickness while we are there.
I bet LB is nicer on the phone than a lot of other business people I've dealt with.
Tell LB since she has practice that my job is open! She can have her very own office, keyboard and phone!
Hilarious. So many possible thought bubbles to go with this shot!
Haha Love it. She is adorable
Too freakin' cute!
You are amazing Kami! You should have called me and brought her by for a little bit. Baby Kenny just recently started waving adorable! *sigh* XOXO
too cute for words.. :)
She is so adorable!!!
probably a good sign that this adorable photo brought me hope and comfort today. Such a great photo!
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