We have decided not to cycle at the same time as the donor. I think putting it all down in one succinct post helped to make it more obvious that it wasn't the best choice. Although it was actually my husband who said, "Why would you want to work so hard for a pregnancy and then put it at risk with a cvs or selective reduction? If you want to try again with your eggs, fine. Just don't do it at the same time as a donor." Made perfect sense as soon as he said it. That is one of the reasons I love him. I tend to stay in my head, logically weighing all the options. He listens to his intuition and just comes up with the answer.
Tomorrow we will meet with my RE to hopefully answer the question, "Have we really tried hard enough?!" I am going to suggest a low stim protocol or natural cycle IVF. Brad is happy to try again if we do something different. I am excited about the possibility, but I hope I will at least come away feeling more at peace with giving up on my eggs and moving on.
Mental Sampler 30
1 day ago
What a gift it is to have a husband who is both logical and intuitive.
Congrats at making a decision!
Good luck at the RE. I hope you get good news, whatever that may be.
Pulling for you...
Thinking about you today!
Thats sooo great that he helped you guys come to a decision. Hoping it goes well today - let us know....good luck.
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