I just got back from our first u/s at 5 weeks and 1 day. We saw one gestational sac. I am relieved. The last 12-24 hours has been very emotional, but now that the next appointment isn't for a week and a half I think I will be able to relax a little.
I should probably share more, but I am so emotionally drained right now, I don't know that it would be the least bit coherent.
Oh - let me add that I am happy with the results. I am a ways from being very hopeful or believing that this will work, but I am happy with how things look so far.
Update: Our beta came back good too. We have 3819 today - a doubling time of 39.1 hours.
#Microblog Monday 523: Another Fun Game
15 hours ago
Awesome.......cant wait to hear more...
Kami, I am stalking you like mad, here and (I confess) on IVFC too. Another girl I know is pg with donor embies. Between the two of you I am nearly convinced it is something I need to look into. All my love, Kate
Wonderful news - keep us posted and take care.
YAH YAH YAH YAH. Excellent news! Iam sorry this road is so emotional. I hope you are able to transform/replace some of your previous anxiety to peace and hope
YAHOOO! Congrats Kami!
FANTASTIC!!!! such great news kami.
Fantastic, amazing, wonderful, and stupendous. I've been stalking you, desperate for an update on the ultrasound.
I'm sorry the last day has been so awful, like you really need one. more. thing. to cause you stress. I'll be thinking of you.
You have every right to feel drained with all that you have been through. Share when you can and thanks for the update (excellent news, BTW!!!)
That is just wonderful.
I continue to hope like crazy for you.
So glad to hear that you're getting information that allows you to relax. Kick your feet up, snuggle with your man and enjoy this time as much as you can. (Know that I'm enjoying it vicariously, too!)
This is so fantastic! You must keep us updated through out!
*Oh, and while I LOVE plan D...unfortunately don't have $10,000 laying around :)
Congrats on the good sights and news!!! Yay!!!
Kami, glad you continue to have good news. What a ride!
OMG!!! I just caught up. Brilliant news, I am so happy for you. YAY!!!
This is such great news! I can't wait to hear more. Thinking of and praying for you. XOXO
Hey Kami.. :) :) Oh my gosh that is such great news. Congrats.... :) So sorry to hear you are emotionally drained. Get lots of rest and take of yourself ok. Thinking of you...!!
I'm glad things are still going well. Now rest, rest, rest.
Hurray for good news! I can understand why you feel so drained.
Hi Kami, any new news? How are you feeling?
So glad that things are continuing to go well for you!
any more updates? How are you feeling???
Having read your last post before this one, I wish I had the right words for you. May your heart and soul find the right path to loving this child as much as you need to. Thinking of you!
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