The consensus is that we are doing pretty good. A few things I am going to do differently: more time outside to potty - I think I may have made her upset by holding her next to a cold potty; focus more on signaling when she eliminates rather than trying to actually catch it; wear her in a sling more often (babies tend to like it until they have to go)
My wonderful, amazing, supportive, resilient (to put up with me) friend Stacey - yes the one at LB's birth as well as Ernest's - gave me a baby sling that I can feel comfortable getting messy. It is a nice dark brown color.
She also gave me the cool sling pictured below (not quite wearing it correctly, but I am getting better). The sling below has UV protection and we have used it quite a bit on these warmer days. I can nurse in it and when in the sun, I can put the tail over LB's head. I love it.
This was taken on our first trip to a local bakery that we would often visit during our IVF cycles because it is only a few blocks from the clinic and has great chocolate croissants.

The really cool thing is that she makes these and other styles and sells them at affordable prices. Please check out her website
Thanks Stacey for the slings and all your support for the last 6 years as well as your help and advice since LB has joined us. I don't know what we would do without you!
The expression on your face looks bona fide tranquil.
You look really content, Kami, which makes me smile,
I have a Maya wrap ring sling that I haven't used...even at 2 weeks, J refused to be carried around like a baby. I hope once he's bigger, we can use it to wear him on our hips.
We have bought two slings from the States, which was one of the first things that I bought when I was pregnant. One medium sized, one extra large.
Hopefully our little girl will like being carried around in a sling, especially since we have not bought a pram yet.
You look radiant! :-)
Look at you! Mummy!!! :-)
well hello Kami and little sleeping one! what a nice surprise to actually see the two of you. a beautiful site.
You look so happy and content!
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