She has become quite the communicator with very few words. In fact, mostly she points and grunts. In this case: crawl over to my shoes, point and grunt; I put them on and it is arms in the air so I pick her up; point at the door and grunt (we walk out the door); point to the right and grunt (we walk to the right); point at the car and grunts (I put her in the car).
I have indulged her both times because 1) I love that she is telling me what she wants and 2) sometimes I need a break from trying to keep up with her. This way she is strapped in!
We had a little birthday party for her with cupcakes decorated to look like butterflies and put her in her butterfly dress. I would post pictures, but I know from experience that it will be at least another week, if not two, before we unload the camera. In lieu of that, we stole this idea for the cupcakes and below is her birthday announcement.

ok not to be preachy or pushy, but did you knwo that they're not pushing for keeping kids rear facing til as long as 4 years old? It's just so much safer for them to be rear facing...
I cant' believe she is ONE. How did that happen?????
Happy Birthday Beautiful LB. The cupcake and invitations are wonderful!
We also turned MT's Carseat around and he thoroughly enjoys it also. No more protesting on car rides. WHich makes more enjoyable outings. Happy first Year Kami!
I'd forgotten she was a solstice baby!
Congrats to LB, and congrats to her mama who did all the hard work a year ago (and all that led up to it!).
THIS POST. THIS is what I covet about parenthood.
My husband says that "the world is your petri dish". And this is a classic example. To have a child, communicating their desire and intention, mostly without words.
I know it sounds bizarre, but this is what I want to experience!
PS. Wahooo! Happy Birthday LB!
What a cute birthday announcement. I had forgotten she was a solstice baby too. The asking for car rides sounds so cute.
I hate to say it, but my does time fly. We're approaching that milestone soon, too.
Big congrats to LB - may she enjoy 99 more wonderful orbits around our gorgeous, life-sustaining star!
Happy b-day LB! I love when they start to communicate. It's so amazing.
BTW I love the cupcake idea. Thanks for the tip. I could probably do that.
Awww, that is so sweet! Happy birthday to your little angel. :)
A YEAR! How the heck did that happen?
WOW, time sure did fly! Enjoy her, for soon you will be telling us of her wedding and YOUR grandchildren!
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