Why give up on something I am good at? Is it just me or are these reserved parking spaces really annoying. I wouldn't use one if it was the last space for miles. Which it was that day. Ok, maybe not quite miles.
Maybe not the most uplifting post for my two year blogoversary, but perhaps appropriate and since I am a single mom this week (Brad is in England and Ireland for work), it's all I have time for.

Oh so bitter. The best thing about those spots is they are right next to a cart return,s o you can toss your kid int he car put the groceries in and return the cart. Sometimes leaving your kid int he cart is fine but in crummy weather its nice to be able to put them in the car first, and there's no way I'm leaving the the car with my child to go push a cart very far.
I just want to say Happy Blogoversary. We are Irish Twins!
Should the 'bitter infertile' parking actully be a taxi stand in front of a bar? hehehe.
There was a time when handicapped reserved spaces made such sense. My own mom was handicapped (from Polio) and really did need that help (though she often left it for others who were worse off). BUT what it's turned into is a reserved space for the elderly and obese people and I just can't support that insanity. First of all, even the elderly really benefit from walking an extra few feet and the obese REALLY REALLY REALLY benefit from more exercise, not less.
But ever since I've seen the "reserved for families with kids" ones, I think - WTF is next? Will there be one reserved for "families with ADD kids" or "adults with depression?"
Sheesh! Can't we just use COMMON SENSE when handing out special privileges?
I hear you. Those kinds of things still irritate me too. Can you rub it in a little more, world?
It really is either feast or famine. When I remember how often I had to stand on the subway at 8-9 months pregnant while young, able-bodied people sat nearby not even pretending not to see me, I could just cry, ye I really don't see why families with strollers can't walk a few extra meters.
Oh, and another thing. If they want to support families, why don't they put their money where their mouth is and give longer paid leaves to new parents and insurance coverage for fertility treatments, rather than tying to curry favor at other people's inconvenience with this hollow and annoying gesture.
I can see the frustration. Happy Blogoversary. I hope your week goes ok.
I actually pulled into one of these spaces the other day before seeing the sign. While I kindof understand the reasoning - close to the cart return or whatever - for me and my state of mind right now, it was like a slap in the face. Since I am not an expectant mother and since I have no kids, I had to back out of the space and go find another - it did make me feel like a loser. Just the cheerful welcome I needed!
Luckily, I have never, ever seen such a parking space. I guess they don't have them in my part of the country. Or maybe I'm just oblivious.
I first saw one of these in a CVS in Groton Massachusetts or somewhere out route 2. I was out that way for a talk or a consult or something.. and I was floored.
I didn't realize that it was a west coast thing too..
I don't fully understand all the reasons why, but every time I saw these signs I was hit with a wave of emotion, mostly negative. I'd probably avoid parking in them too if I ever am 'eligible'
Hate the "expectant mother" parking spaces. Gag (*bitter*) But that's pretty ridiculous.
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