I am at work after getting my blood drawn for the beta. I hope to hear within the hour, but it could take several hours.
I took another HPT this morning - once again with the First Response Rapid Response that tests to 50 mIU/ml. It was darker and a clear positive, but not as dark as I would have liked. In two of the 4 IVF's I have gotten low betas - one doubled well after that, one did not - but they both ended in miscarriage. So, of course, I am nervous that this is already the beginning of the end.
Well, they called while I was typing this - only an hour after the blood draw
Beta = 97.4
We are very happy with that number. Let's hope it doubles by the next test on Saturday.
#Microblog Monday 523: Another Fun Game
17 hours ago
SENSATIONAL!!!!!! Kami, I am so so so so so happy. 97 is a greta number. now waiting for the next.... love ya! -- kate
Congratulations, Kami! That's great!
Oh my gosh! Congrats!!!!
Very very good news!
Oh my gosh Kami, Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting.. :)
YEAH!! I'm so indescribably happy for you. I will pray with all of my might that you have the most uneventful 8 months any of us have ever dreamed of. I'll be holding my breath until the next beta...
That sounds great so far! I'll be thinking doubling thoughts for you!!!
That is a great number! I am very happy for you!
WOhoooooooo FANTASTIC!! oh my goodness, I am so happy and praying for your next beta
Whoa! Awesome number!!! I'll be stalking you on Saturday...
That's wonderful. Congratulations!!!
My new favorite number!
Great-a beta.
good news indeed!! Thank you for the instant update - I am terrible at waiting!
A well deserved CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm sending doubling sticky vibes your way.
Oh I am a horrible blogger! I've been so distracted lately, that I just saw this...
FABULOUS!!!!! That is a wonderful number! I can't wait to see it go up! :-)
Great! It's sooooo nice to hear good news come to those who've waited so long for it!! (And thanks for your nice comment today. Really meant a lot to get it.)
Kami, I truly hope that it continues to double happily away.
97 is a great number!!
Double! Double! Double!
How exciting!!!! Congrats on the great beta!
Can I squeal with joy for you? I just feel like I must...I'm so happy for you!
Wonderful- now keep on doubling...
Congrats!!! Happy Doubling :)
97.4 is an absolutely wonderful number. Waiting eagerly for updates.
Nice beta . . . good luck tomorrow!
Sending doubling thoughts Kami! Great starting number BTW!
That's great!
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