Still pregnant. I seriously cannot believe it. The beta today was 269 . . . up from 79. Crazy. Not to jinx things, but it just doesn't seem right to be this easy. I feel (and will look if this works out) positively fertile. I also feel guilty. There are those still trying so damn hard for number one and I waltz in and pull a BFP on a 10-15% chance of success.
Makes me wonder why I couldn't do that on one of the cycles with my eggs. Of course, that stats don't really matter, do they? It either works or it doesn't. You get a good embryo and it sticks or it doesn't.
Still. Just crazy. I keep looking an HPT with two pink lines just to convince myself that I am really currently pregnant.
I am hopeful and enjoying being more easily excited than the cycle with LB. I know I can survive a loss since we have her so I feel I can put myself out there a bit more.
Mental Sampler 30
17 hours ago
Hoo boy! That's a good leap in beta numbers!
I am just so happy for you. What was that - more than a 3 fold increase? That's a keeper!
I felt hopeful but, after all, ONE embryo in liquid nitrogen for 2 years with low odds (per clinic) makes ya kinda wonder, right?
But LB clearly came from strong egg stock and she's on her way to becoming a big sister!
I'll tell ya, having such a good beta myself yesterday I started to wonder, What if I'd cycled with CCRM with my own eggs, What if...
And it's a big bucking wasted exercise 'cause this may have seemed "too easy" (eSET and all) but it happened to be from STELLAR eggs, not mine! My highest recorded FSH was 22. I think I would have just pissed away 20K and come home crying!
So incredibly happy for you!!!!
Wow - great beta #! Congrats!
Yes! I am so happy for you!
That is AWESOME! So happy for you (and Brad, and LB).
Did you seriously say "it just doesn't seem right to be this easy"? Sorry, but I consider your journey to get here *anything* but easy. Yes, maybe it only took 1 FET this 2nd time around, but you can't overlook or discount what you, your body, your heart and your mind went through to reach this point.
"Easy" is getting pregnant via sex with your husband in your own bed in your own house a month after you start trying. At least in my book, that's the definition of easy.
I admit that I still have all of my pee sticks from when I was pregnant with Liam. He turned 1 in May. So that means we are coming up on these things being 2 years old, but I still can't bear to part with them because they bring me the same sense of excitement as they did when I saw them for the very first time.
Wow is right. Yay for you!
My dear, you deserve an "easy" something.
I'm rooting for you and the emby!
Oh Kami,
I'm late to the good news. This is wonderful!
Beta sounds fantastic! I will agree that your journey seems anything but easy.
Frickin AWESOME!!!
+1 on what Leah said... not easy! Could have been more difficult, yes... but anything that involves a team of highly trained and specialized medical professionals ain't easy. :)
Hooray again!!!
So pleased things are going well. I need to cyber high 5 you cause you might just be the lucky mascot I need!
This is just so awesome. I'm really happy for you!!
Leah's comment made me laugh.
GREAT news Kami!
Great beta! Even though I am still waiting.. I am filled with happiness for you that it did come just like that... :-)
Wow is right. I'm thrilled for you.
I totally agree with's becasue it was a good egg...but then again I have to believe that because I'm pregnant with a donor egg and to think any there way is just an exercise in futility.
I also agree with did not have it "easy" You have been through so much. While this one happened easier than your other have certainly paid your dues (financial, physical, emotional).
Congrats, my dear!
Rockin' number! Congrats!
As someone else pregnant from a young egg (of course, not mine), those fresh eggs really work!
Congratulations! This is great news.
So happy for you - you give me lots of hope as I embark on this journey. Congratulations!!! I hope things are as "easy" for me, for we all know - as others have mentioned - there really is nothing easy about this process.
I said it before and I'll say it again...YESSSSS!!
Bullshit! You've paid in spades. There should be NO guilt. Us primary-IF'ers that don't have our heads up our asses are DELIGHTED for you!
Kami, I am SO excited for you!!! Great numbers. When is your first u/s?
Ditto Leah on the definition of easy. You deserve something "easier" than the rest of the b.s. you've been through.
Just one more commenter here to say con-FREAKING-grats!! And, there is no way in the world anyone would think this has been easy for you.....
Omigosh. Wow! Yay!
Whoohoo! Doing the happy dance for you!!
Congratulations - may the good news just keep coming to you!
Great news. So happy for you and your family. I had it "easy" the second time too and would be lying if I said I didn't have the same thoughts....I didn't feel right about the lack of suffering and emotional roller coaster. But I got past that and hopefully so will you. You deserve a break! Congratulations.
It's been a week and a half. When is your u/s? Update! UPDATE!!!
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